Email List Discussion

Your personal Customer, Prospect and Suspect list is your goldmine. This is your direct source for the best referrals you will every get. They are also your source of repeat buyers.

This is the list that you will keep under the safest storage location that you know and you will have this list backed up in at least two places, preferably three.

We suggest that when you start to build your list, you set up three(3) tabs called Suspects, Prospects, and Customers.

When you start adding people to the list just make sure their tab is identified accordingly. When you are sure a Suspect is now a Prospect, all you need do is change their tab. The same thing for when a Suspect or Prospect purchases something their tab gets changed as well.

Additionally, you might want to send special promotions to customers and prospects, or, customers only. Send your newsletters to the whole list.

When you have something worth mentioning on your Blog, tell these folks to go see it before the rest of world does.

When you have a contest, or an open house, these are the folks that get the sneak preview.

If you are going to run an ad campaign to try to drive new customers to your business, these are the folks that get the heads up and a personal showing of the advertisement and the benefits for bringing in one new customer, your loyal customers get deep discounts on their next purchase.

Let's say that you want to sponsor an event to thank all of your customers for their loyalty. Have them bring a friend.

As you might get from all of this, your customer list is a goldmine. All you need to do is pan the gold.


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