Newsletters So, you think you want more business, am I right?

One of the most underused communication device is your newsletter. Think about it. After a while, you feel like you have run out of topics to put in it. My suppliers haven't given me anything new for a long time. We haven't done anything "news worthy". I haven't gotten any responses to my newsletters.

Let me ask you a question:

First what do you want your web presence to do for you? Get more business is one of the most frequent responses.

Well, if that is the case, your newsletter can be one of the most powerful magnets for getting new business. And, there is more than one way to do it.

You will want to pique the curiosity of the people who read your newsletter, starting with the headline. One of the good things about your newsletter is, it is you. And you can make it homey, bold, timid, funny, etc. One newsletter that I helped on had a short column on jokes. We found them online and got permission from the author to use them. Of course, we gave the author his credits.

By getting their attention, you can talk about how Harry is using your widget showing a picture of Harry and your widget. A little discussion about your widgets capability to help more Harrys. And, then a link for more informaation to your web page on that widget.

Another use of the newsletter is to educate the world on new technology within your industry. All businesses change. All products get better, slicker, more enticing, whatever, and it is your job to draw those changes to the attention of your marketplace.

This alone will make you shine like the authority in your field. This one feature can make you stand out among your peers and competition.

And, you should include in your newsletter what happened in your neighborhood with pictures. It could be a back yard barbeque. Any event where you got a picture.

Always include links back to your blog where you wrote a better summary of the event, or your website about the new features and benefits on you widget.

By cross linking your social media, blog posts, and newsletters, you get a slew of funnels for your customers and prospects to slide right down into your website for the close.


"If you think hiring a professional is expensive, wait until you hire an amateur." – Red Adair

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