What's With This Rowboat?
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I'm sure that some of you have heard "Up a creek without a paddle". Picture this, you are in that cute red rowboat in the middle of a huge lake with no naviation control at all. And you see a storm heading your way.

What do you do? Panic? Reach over the side and start paddling? Jump overboard and start swimming?

All of them could be solutions, but, they may have other consequences, too, like the storm hits and you've only gotten half way to land.

Now, that is what I call planning or better yet: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Benjamin Franklin.

That's the thing, everybody going into business should have a plan. One that can be executed comfortableably (or at least executed) and that requires you doing your due diligence or research.

  1. Can you make any money with your product or service?
  2. How big does your niche need to be for you to do that?
  3. Who else is already selling what you plan to sell in the same place?
  4. Do you need more resourses than you have right now?
  5. Can you get ahold of what you need but don't have?
  6. Where will you operate?
  7. Do you need to hire people?
  8. What licenses and/or permits do you need?
  9. What is the best business structure for you?
  10. How will you be handling the record keeping and other accounting needs?
  11. And, so much more

Then, you need to know when to implement which action first, and,then what, and, then what, etc.

During my tenure as a web presence consultant, I often would ask the question: "What is it you want your web presence to do for you?" Well, think of this: What do you want your business to do for you.

The most frequently used answer that I've heard is to make a lot of money for me and my famility.

Another is that it will allow me to be the boss and not have to report to someone else.

And, I can help a lot of people with my better widget.

There are a ton more reasons that someone wants to run their own show. I appreciate each and every one of them since you've made a decision.

Now, you need to research that thing or service you plan to sell. This is done using a tool called a feasibility study. It answers all those questions above plus a ton more. It allows you to set up your strategy.

Let me point out something here: You need a strategy which is what the generals do during a war and then you need an implementation plan or business plan that spells out what you will do first, second, etc. In war, these are the lesser ranked officers' jobs. As it goes down the ranks the tasks get more specific. This is also true for your business plan.

The internet is full of feasibility studies and also business plans. Most cost something, some are free.

You probably don't want to be in a rowboat in the sea with no oars or a motor. A yacht might seem better. It would to me.

Go here for more information.

Call or text me: 843-901-5525

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