
Helping Others
These discussions are not all inclusive. They touch on their subject, but, do not go into any depth. They are intended to help you start thinking about subjects that you might want to dig deeper about.

Here's an Idea!

Teachers, nurses, religious followings, customer service are examples of one of the most sought after jobs nowdays. The general category is "Helping Others".

Over the years, I've had the opportunity to serve in the role as a teacher and a customer service representative.

And, like any job, there are advantages and disadvantages to each one of them.

Unfortunately, there is a segment of our population that knows they are entitled and therefore start their conversation by putting you on a defensive footing right out of the shute. They know that you are fully aware of their situation before they even explain it to you.

It is quite gratifying to know that you have made someone happy when you deliver a positive result to their inquiry.

Looking for business ideas in this sector "Helping Others" is the idea for this discussion. Putting together a business whose sole function is to help others fits the profile of a "good" business.

You still need to conduct your due diligence. Check out our discussion about a Study and a Plan.

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