
Ideas From Nowhere Or...
These discussions are not all inclusive. They touch on their subject, but, do not go into any depth. They are intended to help you start thinking about subjects that you might want to dig deeper about.
Ideas are a cornerstone for new businesses. They pop up in people's heads at the weirdest times. That is good.

Some are centered around the job that you are doing, or a hobby, or a comment at last nights social meeting.

Most get passed over as "Awe, that won't work". Or you tell a friend about them who tells you the same thing.

These questions and a bunch of others are frequent in the forums where I participate. Many people do not have a clue what they want to do, but, the idea of having a business of their own intriques them.

One suggestion is to look into yourself. What makes your heart go faster just talking about it? A hobby, a cause, a change, an improvement, and so forth?

Once you have settled on an idea, then it is time to do your due diligence. Will this action be of a worthwhile financial gain for you? Will it improve other peoples way of life in a postive manner? Is there a shortage for it? Maybe there is an oversupply that you might have overlooked.

Most of these questions can be identified and explored by running a feasibility study on them.

A feasibility study is just that: Is this project feasible? If it isn't then don't waste time and money exploring it further at this time.

If it is, well you just might have your gold mine.

Copyright © 2002 - | Bruce Tuggle | 2453 Vaucluse Rd Charleston SC 29414 | all rights reserved