
About Traffic
These discussions are not all inclusive. They touch on their subject, but, do not go into any depth. They are intended to help you start thinking about subjects that you might want to dig deeper about.
Traffic is a topic we hear a lot about. The need for traffic to your store/office/factory, website, is a constant to wherever you are.

There are basically thrree kinds of traffic:

  1. Suspects
  2. These are people that have seen something about you, like a billboard, side of the road sign, your storefront, etc. They have taken no action toward your business. They have not express an interest in your business directly.
  3. Leads/Prospects
  4. These folks have taken some sort of action indicating an interest in what you offer. They could be a walkin, a click to your site, signed up for your newsletter, etc. The have not purchased anything from you, yet. There are two kinds of prospects: 1) General prospect; and 2) Qualified prospect. The qualified ones are your real targets. The qualified ones should be on your email list.
  5. Customers
  6. These are your buyers and former buyers. These folks must be on your email list.

If you are not the giant within your industry, you need to be prospecting within a niche, which is a subset of that larger audience of prospects (or more often qualified prospects). You should have these folks on some sort of list where you can communicate with them regularly.

The prospects and customers are the ones that represent the traffic that you want to visit you.

Getting their attention is a major undertaking since you and all of your competitors worldwide are after the same people. Much of the time trying to sell them the exact same thing.

Standing out in all of this noise is a factor that if you are not working at it, it isn't being done.

Throughout our site, we have discussions, social media sites, and products/services that all have something to do with helping you with getting traffic.

We want you to win. We hope to be of value to you. Go to our Contact page to sign up for our periodic newsletters where you will get briefings on more discussions and social media sites as we add them.

We also offer occasional tips. The newsletters are free and you can stop them from coming to you by unsubscribing at the bottom of each of them.

Copyright © 2002 - | Bruce Tuggle | 2453 Vaucluse Rd Charleston SC 29414 | all rights reserved