Go here, if you want a Wikipedia definition of email.

Emailing is a widespread function within our culture. But, as technology evolves, it will become much like FAXing. There is one function of emailing that stands out: email marketing or mass emails to small or huge groups of people.

This function allows you to compose an email and send it to a list of recipients. There is also a way to inbed the recipients name and in some cases other data in the body of the email.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is real.

We adhere to all of the EU GDPR guidelines for handling your data within our system and that of our autoresponder suppliers.

We wish to inform you that we only use the information as provided by you to send you periodic email newsletters or deliver specific information when you request it.

The content in these newsletters may provide marketing and sales information about a specific service that we offer. Mostly we will attempt to keep you abreast of any significant or interesting observations by us as it relates to our industry (the web in its various capacities.)

In the event of any breach within our database system or that of the servers maintained by our email autoresponder services, we will inform you immediately upon our knowledge of it.


Alternative Physical Address Ideas

Suggestions on alternate ways to include a physical address for your email campaigns to be compliant with the CAN-SPAM ACT. About Spam Filters

Even permission-based lists can fall prey to aggressive spam filters, which we estimate block 10-20% of email from subscribers' inboxes.

A lot of the one-to-one email is being replaced by messaging or texting.

As a mailer you will become more sophisticated, you will want to see what if's. What if we changed the headline, would we get more clicks? By the same token, an offer of a widget with a green color is compared to a widget with a red color, which one does better? A way to do this kind of testing is called an A/B test.

We use MailChimp where we got these brief descriptions:

"Use MailChimp's A/B Testing Campaigns to test how different factors affect your email engagement. Learn what you can test and how winners are chosen."

"With MailChimp's A/B Testing reports give you performance stats for your A/B Testing campaigns. See test results, individual reports, and link performance."

When we ran a query on their knowledge base we found 146 results for “A/B tests”.


"If you think hiring a professional is expensive, wait until you hire an amateur." – Red Adair

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