Social Media
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Site Categories

Social media sites offer a gold mine for niche marketers. They have all pretty much told you what they are interested in and because of that are reasonably a safe bet for offers that target those topics.

We have done our best to be inclusive. Some sites will be found in multiple categories. In the alpha listing section we point to their main interest as best we can tell.

If you think there may be other sites that generally fit these models, then let us know. We'll check them out and include those where we agree with you.

There are three things you want to do as you approach these sites with your messages.

  1. Educate: Do your best to let them know how your product or service can be of value to them;
  2. Entertain: Humor doesn't need to be ha-ha funny, it can be more subtle than that and still be relevant; and
  3. Inspire: Create the feeling that your product/service is the real thing.

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